Attending via Zoom: Board Members Gwen Rhett Dan Morris Jesse Powell Glenn Posey Travis Howard (Not-Present) Robyn Majors (Not-Present)

INTRODUCTION: The Carriage Crossing Board Meeting was chaired by Gwen Rhett.

New Business: Financial:

● The Treasurer presented the last Aging Report dated 7/3/2023. As of this date 25 Homes are in the arrears with Assessment fees, 5 Homes are in the arrears with accrued interest under $50.00, 2 Homes have made payment arrangements with the BOD and to date current. BOD has voted to turn over all delinquent accounts to the HOA Attorney, Cameron Mericle for collections effective August 1. The BOD HOA has tried to work with delinquent Association Members to bring these accounts current to no avail by letters, emails, FB as well as Website notices, invoices from GHEEN accounting.

● HOA Resale Disclosure Packages-This was implemented effective June 1 pursuant to MHAA Title 11B. HOA can legally charge up to $250.00 but the BOD voted to charge a reasonable fee of $100 (within 14 days of request) and an additional $50.00 (for expedite/outside of 14 day request) HOA Attorney has provided legal guidance. All Association Members/Realtors/TitleCompanies who sell lots/homes after June 1 will be notified of these new charges. It is the responsibility of the Seller/Association member to pay these fees.

● Reserve Study-Reserve Study Report will be posted temporarily on FB until July 12th and permanently on the Community website for questions, comments and/or concerns from Association Members. These questions will be provided to the Miller Dodson Guest Speaker prior to the Saturday General Meeting. BOD will tackle the next project once the Community has reviewed the Reserve Study report, funds availability and possibly start with the smaller projects and work our way up.

● W 9 request from the Maryland Department of Housing in regards to an Association Member lot-Forwarded to GHEEN Accounting

● Aging Report will be presented to the General meeting with Association members name redacted. Suggested email sent to Association members whose names are showing up with fees under $50.00. (5 members) BOD does not want to send these names to the HOA Attorney if this can be worked out prior but would like to see these names removed off of Report since they do pay in a timely manner.


● Community General Hybrid Meeting Scheduled July 15th, 10:00am-11:30am, Hughesville Fire Department Meeting Room, 15245 Prince Frederick Rd., Hughesville. Glen will be meeting with the Fire Dept. representatives on Tuesday, July 11th to ensure Hybrid meeting capability.

● Home Inspections will be conducted by BOD members July 10th-July 30th. Association members will be notified. Home Inspection assignments will be distributed to BOD over the weekend.

● Front Landscaping-Will speak with landscapers about the trimming of the front bushes in the center aisle. VP reported they will trim next time they come to the Community.

● National Night Out-Tuesday, August 1, 2023 will be held in the Community. Mrs. Posey and Mrs. Howard will be spearheading. More to Come……

● Reminder to Community Association Members we are a self-governing Association. No BOD member is paid for their position. We care about the Community that we live in and proudly represent/govern to the best of our abilities.

● Next BOD meeting Thursday, August 10th at 7pm




Level 1 Replacement Reserve Report FY 2024