Local Community News and Events Bulletin Board

General Information-Visit: Septic System Reimbursement Programs | Charles County, MD

The Septic System Reimbursement program aim to meet nutrient load reduction targets by pumping out 20% of the County’s septic systems annually to meet the County's Watershed Implementation Plan (WIP) nutrient pollution reduction goals. Pumping of septic systems is recommended to maintain the effectiveness and longevity of the system and provides a reduction of nutrient leaching over time. 

Septic System Pump Out Reimbursement

Charles County residents with a septic system are eligible once every 3 years for reimbursement of a system pump-out. Residents must complete the application below and provide a copy of the contractor’s receipt.

Applications will be verified and processed within 12 weeks of receipt. A reimbursement check will be mailed to the address provided in the application. Applications must be received within six (6) months of the pump-out.  

Septic System Reimbursement Rates

Maximum reimbursement: $100 per system

Septic Riser Installation Reimbursement

The Septic Riser Installation Reimbursement Program encourages property owners with existing septic systems to have tank risers installed when their septic system is pumped out. This reimbursement can be applied for at the same time as your reimbursement for a Septic System Pump Out.

Applicants must provide proof of purchase and installation by a hauler or contractor, or proof of purchase for risers independently installed with their application. 

Reimbursements for a riser are limited to one (1) per property and applications must be received within six (6) months of riser installation.  

Reimbursement Rate for Septic Riser Installation

$100 per system

As of May 1, 2022, paper applications will no longer be accepted. To get your refund simply fill out the online application below and hit submit.

Septic System Pump Out and/or Riser Reimbursement Application 

 *Please note this form is not compatible with the Internet Explore web browser. Please use an alternate web browser.

When submitting the online reimbursement application you will need to attach a copy of the invoice and proof of payment for the service. If the septic riser was purchased and installed independently, please attach a copy of the receipt.

The maximum reimbursement per pump-out and septic riser installation is $100. Each property may only submit an application for septic system pump out reimbursement once every 3 years. Riser reimbursements are limited to one per property and are for existing septic systems only.

Applications will be reviewed and processed within 12 weeks. A reimbursement check will be mailed to the address provided on the application. Applications must be received within six (6) months of the pump-out.  

Posted 1/9/24

Important info from Ambers Disposal, LLC


WE DO NOT ACCEPT Construction Debris, carpet, flooring, hazardous waste, ashes, dirt, animal carcasses or yard waste including Christmas trees (see our website for links to your county for disposal of yard waste). Animal waste must be placed in a plastic bag and tied securely. Hazardous Materials include Gas, Oil, Paint, Tires, Fluorescent Tubes, NI-CAD batteries, and Asbestos. WE ARE A GARBAGE HAULER.

What are my collection times?

We start collecting trash at 6:00am. We urge you to put your trash out the night before, so you don’t miss us. Your pick-up times may vary from week to week so please put your trash out the night before.

Where should I place my trash can for pickup?

Place your trash can where it is visible and accessible to the crew. Place the trash can where it is apparent to the crew that the trash can belongs to your location. (Example: by your mailbox or at the end of your driveway.)

What holidays do you observe?

We observe only six (6) holidays per year. New Year’s, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. We operate “on schedule” for all other Holidays. WE DO NOT RUN ON ANY LOCAL OR FEDERAL HOLIDAY SCHEDULE. Please see our Holiday Schedule online.

How do you handle trash collection on one of your observed Holidays?

If a holiday falls on a Monday, every collection day for the week is behind by one day. Example: Monday’s trash goes to Tuesday, Tuesday’s trash to Wednesday, Wednesday’s trash to Thursday, Thursday’s trash to Friday and Friday’s trash to Saturday. Another example: Thanksgiving will ALWAYS be on Thursday. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday service days will remain the same. However, Thursday trash will move to Friday and Friday trash will be on Saturday. Trash service will resume to the regular schedule on the following Monday. Please see our Holiday Schedule online

What is your inclement weather policy?

We will make every attempt to pick up trash even in inclement weather, but should the landfill close or conditions become unsafe, we will suspend service. Safety is Paramount in all we do! We will pick up your trash the next day that we operate. Example-If we suspend collection on a Friday, your next pick-up day would be Saturday.

Charles County Residents: In most areas we pickup twice a week. You can put your trash out on the 2nd pick up day. If you are only a one day a week customer please call our office (301) 888-9649, so that we may alert the driver of an unscheduled pick up.

What if I put my trash out and it was missed?

On occasion “misses” do happen, particularly if there is a driver in training or route changes. We appreciate your patience and ask that you wait for your next scheduled route day if you are a twice a week customer. If you are once a week, we will make every effort to collect your trash the next day if possible, depending on when we are alerted by you that a “miss” has occurred. Call our office if your trash has been missed the day of the “miss” prior to 5PM or leave a voice mail message so we will know early the next day. This will allow us to check our route sheets for comments and work out a solution

Bulk Trash Pick Up

Your community monthly pickup for bulk is the first Friday of every month and must be out by 6 a.m. This is for small bulk items, Ambers have found that it works best of residents give them a call (Ph: 301-888-9649) 2 days prior to the bulk day to let us know that they will have bulk and what they have for pickup.

Due to the fact that they incinerate Bulk Trash, NO metal is allowed because it does not burn. Unacceptable Items List: The following materials are not collected at your home because of special handling requirements. (a) Explosive, Ashes, Ammunition, and or Firearms

(b) Poisons/acids/caustics/chemical/petroleum cleanup waste

(c) Compressed gas tanks such as propane tanks, helium tanks, or oxygen tanks

(d) Liquids, including paint and no paint cans.

(e) Metal items, asbestos, or glass. (Mirrors, tables tops, etc.)

(f) Drum containers, fuel tanks, oil tanks, gas, or oil containers of any kind

(g) Tires/automobile parts/no car parts of any type, batteries, or Ni-Cad batteries

(h) Building and construction materials, plywood, shingles, sheet rock, ceramic tile, carpet, toilets or tubs, flooring, windows, doors or cabinets, fluorescent tubes, or light fixtures,

(i) Furniture, outdoor lounge chairs, lounge chair cushions, sofas, loveseats, carpet or Padding

(j) Sawdust/Soil/Rocks/grubbing materials and spoil/stumps/logs

(k) Computers, printers, or ink cartridges

(l) Brush, Tree trimmings, leaves, yard waste, trees, Christmas Trees

(m) Animal Carcasses or animal waste unless placed in a plastic bag and tied securely

(n) Appliances


These words identify Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Caution, Toxic, Danger, Flammable, Warning, Explosive, Reactive, Combustible, Poisonous, Hazardous, Corrosive. Unacceptable Materials: Latex Paint (watered base), infectious waste, medical waste, unidentified waste, or radioactive waste.

Amber’s Disposal, LLC PO BOX 9 Aquasco, MD. 20608 301-888-9649

Charles County Parks and Recreation Activities

Check out Charles County Parks and Recreation page for some great activities for kids, teens, parents and families:


New Mattress Recycling Program August 1 at the Charles County Landfill

Sleep better knowing your old mattress is being recycled and repurposed into new products! For more information, visit www.CharlesCountyMD.gov/Recycling.

Paving and Resealing

Carriage Crossing has been approved by Charles County Government to be repaved and resealed starting in the fall of 2024 into the Spring of 2025. More info to come.

New Message Board Purchased and Installed by HOA!

Charles County Government Announces Purchase of Sears Building to Turn into Sports and Wellness Complex

The Charles County Board of Commissioners, the Charles County Department of Recreation, Parks and Tourism, and the Charles County Economic Development Department are pleased to share the county’s purchase of the former Sears Building at the St. Charles Towne Center. The building will be converted into a sports and wellness complex serving the entire community. The purchase of the property, which totals 8 acres, was tied to the result of a comprehensive study conducted two years ago by the Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism on county recreation opportunities. The study found a great need for increased sports and wellness activities, especially in the Waldorf area. In purchasing the facility, the county seeks to revitalize the former Sears location, which has been unused since 2020, and follow examples such as Annapolis Mall in Anne Arundel County revitalizing empty mall space for public use. The space will include a 50-meter by 25-yard competition swimming pool that will create space for swimming, training, and competitive meets. The pool space will include a splash pad, diving areas, spa/whirlpool, sauna, and lap pool. In addition to the pool facilities, community members are invited to give input on what other amenities they would like to see in the facility.

St. Charles Towne Center Sports & Wellness Complex | Charles County Rec & Parks (charlescountyparks.com)

Posted 3/15/24

Homeowner Monthly Maintenance Check

  • Clean your dryer vent - inside and out.  Note: If you have a gas dryer make sure the vent that leads outside is not covered by snow to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.

  • Wash or replace your shower curtain liner.

  • Test all smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. Replace batteries if needed.

  • Check all downspouts and gutters to make sure they are not blocked or being weighed down by ice or icicles.

  • Check to make sure ice is not preventing your garage doors from closing properly.

  • Check the filter in the HVAC system.  Change it if needed.

  • Check unfinished areas of basement and attic for leaks near foundation and roof.

  • Check water softener. Refill salt if necessary.

  • Clean shower and sink drains. Take your sinks apart by shutting off the water to the sink, removing the trap (put a bucket underneath!) and pulling out the gunk! Put the sink back together and then disinfect it. Boil two quarts of water. Put a cup of salt, a cup of baking soda, and a cup of vinegar into the drain. After about 30 seconds, pour in the boiling water. Do not use the sink for a few hours after disinfecting. You won’t be able to take the shower apart, but you can disinfect it the same way.

  • Disinfect garbage disposal. (Follow steps above for disinfecting drains.)

  • Dust the air/heat vents and return to each room.

  • Clean the oven.

  • Disinfect all trash cans.

  • Put WD-40 on cabinets or drawers.  (January’s list included doors and windows.)

  • Check and clean dehumidifier or humidifier filters.

  • Run all water in sinks and showers and flush toilets that are not used frequently.

  • Make sure all flashlights and lanterns have working batteries.

Posted 2/25/24

Posted 12/19/2023

… And the winners are !!!!!