11/9/23 CCCA BOD Meeting - Minutes


Meeting attendees:

Board Members - Gwen Rhett, Dan Morris, Jesse Powell, Glen Posey, Robyn Majors, Travis Howard, Angela Jesses

INTRODUCTION: The Carriage Crossing Board Meeting was chaired and opened at 7pm by Gwen Rhett.

  • Treasure report: Current operational balance is $15,928.34.91 as of October 31, 2023.
    Current CD with rate of 5.25% expires 4/16/24 is $10,000.00 (opened 10/16/23) Current reserve is $28,421.76 as of October 31, 2023

  • The treasurer is working to find the discrepancy on the bank statement vs balance sheet. The President stated the board needs to ensure the information given to the community is accurate. It may be beneficial if the board can collectively look at the statements to ensure the board has an understanding as well as detect the discrepancy.

  • Meeting with Gheen Accounting stopped abruptly. During the last meeting the connection was lost, and Mrs. Gheen sent an email to apologize for the lost connection. However, there hasn’t been any response from Gheen accounting. A contract was signed in 2020 by the previous board member that outlined a list of items that Gheen accounting can do for the board. There is a concern about the books being balanced. Gheen accounting has been involved in the community since about 2012. It seems it was a support role during that time and the company became more involved in 2020 when the contract was signed. The concern is the company is not accurately accounting the books for the community. The company is only reporting monthly balances neglecting the overall balances which in turns makes the statements inaccurate.

  • According to bylaws CPA needs to do an auditing statement. Gheen accounting does not hold the proper credentials since they are noted as a bookkeeping, tax, and financial planning company not a certified public accountant.
    Robyn (with the help of Travis) has taken the lead with interviewing a CPA to meet the bylaw guidelines. The board unanimously agreed to find a new company for accounting purposes. All members voted yes. Votes -7 yes; 0 no’s

Old/New Business

Lawn Service discussion - members of the board requested a question be asked to the attorney. The board wants to ensure the community gets accurate information.

  • Board voted in a previous meeting in October to hire Dennison to cut Crepe Myrtles. Between last meeting and today's meeting it was discovered one crepe myrtle was cut. According to Travis (Grasstech), trees were cut to allow mowing access. The attorney will provide a response to the board in regard to the contract conflict between Dennison and Grasstech.

  •  The Board has unanimously decided to let the attorney handle the conflict starting today. All members voted. Votes- 7 yes; 0 no’s

    • Ambers Contract- Dan has reached out to Ambers to get a copy of the current contract. He called and was waiting for a response from the correct person who handles that. Members of the board that have been present for more than 3 years stated the contract has a rate of inflation and is a long term with the option to cancel. There are no annual renewals.

      Dan emailed Ambers to get clarification on items they will not take. Dan sent Ambers a map of the neighborhood streets and since then, there have not been any complaints of missed trash.

    • Evergreen stated they would come take a look at the community. However, there was no show, no follow up.

    • Waste Management does not do residential communities anymore. Lawn Service Vendor inquiries

    • Dennison proposed $27,720.00 annually with limited services- ruled out

    • JMC $21,385- seeding, aeration, fertilizing, cutting grass every 10 days, etc.

    • Collentro landscape & design $14,265.00

    • Anderson Lawn Care- $15,000.00- pruning, fertilization, mulching, etc., Company has a five-star rating

      All board member unanimously voted yes to hire Anderson Lawn Care- Votes 7 yes; 0 no’s

      Board members asked the question if attorneys can review community contracts and if so how much.

  • Annual letters were drafted. The letters are scheduled to go out the first week of December. The HOA President suggested we send a financial health statement to the community along with a report attached to the letter which will help justify the increase of dues. Dan will reach out to Gheen to obtain that information.

  • VFW post called and stated if there is an Active Duty military member they can provide a discount. They also stated Saturdays are normally more expensive. The Hughesville Fire Department has not responded to the question of having a meeting there. There have been no return phone calls from them.

  • Brandy is ready to draw a name for the raffle to win the gift card.
    Question: Can the community continue to have a food truck since the weather is still very pleasant?
    Board has unanimously voted to extend the food truck presence if the trucks agree to show up. Votes- 7 yes; 0 no

  • Destruction of playground by Dan and Travis. The HOA will have to pay the dump fees and gas. Dan and Travis has agreed to demolish the playground and will sign a waiver to hold the community harmless if there are any issues and they will take full liability for any mishap. The president has requested a detailed summary of what will take place to include fees. The date of destruction is to be determined.

General meeting scheduled for November 16th, 2023 @ 7pm Meeting adjourned @ 8:13pm


11/16/23 CCCA General Meeting - Minutes


10/19/23 CCCA General Meeting Minutes