12/14/23 CCCA BOD Meeting - Minutes


December 14, 2023

Meeting attendees: Board Members

Gwen Rhett

Glen Posey

Robyn Majors 

Travis Howard

Angela Jesses 

Jesse Powell-Absent

INTRODUCTION: The Carriage Crossing Board Meeting was chaired and opened at 7pm by Gwen Rhett.

 Treasure report: Signature cards are available for Robin Majors to sign due to previous Treasurer Dan Morrison resigning. The Zoom account needed to be paid to continue service. The account has to be renewed every two years. The credit card was updated because the previous card holder was on file. The fee for zoom is $149.00.

 Currently to date there is $11,655.66 in the Operational account. The restitution check of $2,275.66 was deposited on 12/6 in the Operational account. The Board has agreed to move forward with releasing Gheen Accounting in 2024.Gheen accounting agreed to complete taxes, 1099, and the Maryland form before March. Gheen will need statements from December and January. Gheen accounting has returned over all property that belonged to the Carriage Crossing community. Savings account $28,424.09; Certificate of Deposit $10,043.58

Nationwide Insurance was paid by check in the amount of $2,805.00 which was written out of the operational account. CSM is requesting $2500.00 to open an operational account. CSM will pay the bills for the community. Letters will be sent to the community members by CSM introducing themselves and their role.

New contract for Ambers was dated 1 December 2023 and they were paid on 5 December 2023. Grass tech was paid $1040.00 in December/2023.

 The community will not see any income until March/2024.

The Circuit Doctor will complete work in January. However, the total for the work is 8,275.00. $219.00 will be subtracted from the total. A deposit will be given to them next week.

 SMECO will debit the account for $26.66 and $33.36 via bank draft.

Old/New Business

 ·      During the mailing of the community letters a discrepancy was discovered. The previous board stated there are 102 homes in the community. However the packets mailed for the community were 103 addresses. One property on Rosecroft was not included in the 2019 list the board used. The homes that were built in 2006 were captured, but the home that was built in 2011 was not captured. The homeowners for the most recent bill were mailed the assessment.

·      A letter was sent to the Post Office notifying them who the Board Members are so they can collect mail if needed.

·      A letter was sent to the Post Office notifying them who the Board Members are so they can collect mail if needed.

·      All community members should have received their packets.

·      Travis will speak with the parents of a community member to ensure they are aware of emails and any other potential concerns. (Re:Vandalism)

·      Amanda Morris and Amanda Howard will be judges for the Christmas lights on 12/17/23. Gift cards will be given for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners.

·      Raffle for General Meeting; winner will be given 5% off their annual dues.


Grass Tech breached contract by touching trees. The attorney said the community is legally  right not to pay based on that information. The board unanimously voted to have Andersen come out and evaluate trees. Yes-6   No-0

 Annual meeting scheduled for January 20th, 2024 @ 10am, Hughesville Fire Department (Virtual/In-person)


Meeting adjourned @ 8:00pm


1/11/24 CCCA BOD Meeting Minutes


11/16/23 CCCA General Meeting - Minutes