CCCA General Meetings Minutes 4/20/23
Carriage Crossing Homeowners Association Board of Directors
April 20, 2021
General HOA Meeting commenced at 7:05pm
Attendance: Gwen Rhett, Travis Howard, Dan Morris, Glen Posey, Amandas, Beth & John Reinert, Rodney Lloyd
Secretary Report - Please review the Minutes/Financial report from March/2023 General meeting posted on Facebook and Community Website. March was the last month that the minutes will be posted on Facebook. All reports will be on the community webpage beginning April 1 only.
SMECO Guest Speaker - Natasha Walker, SMECO energy analyst gave an overview of various ways to save energy in your home, HVAC tune-up, HEIP and energy saver programs. PowerPoint Slide is posted on the community webpage for more information.
Presidents Report - Board has narrowed down an attorney to represent the interest of the Community. Attorney Strissel has retired and moved to South Carolina. Last day with HOA is April 30, 2023. BOD will send a thank you card for her years of service to the Community.
-VP as well as Pres. walked Miller Dodson throughout the common grounds of the community and discussed the wear and tear issues. Results of the study will be issued and presented to the community sometime in May/June.
-Complaints of solicitors posting commercial signs on common ground areas as well as private lots. Please ensure that all signs are removed pursuant to the Covenant/Bylaws.
-Crime Watch Kickoff - President attended the Charles Cty Watch Kickoff. Reminder that ATVs are illegal on public streets and if found will be confiscated by Charles County Sheriff Dept. Please remember that the speed limit in the neighborhood is 25 mph.
-Website - Remember that new content is added daily. Pres. thank John R. for the upkeep of the community web page.
John R. made a suggestion to add a kids corner page with pics etc. BOD is seeking a volunteer to add content to the kids corner page.
Treasurer Report - See April report posted on community webpage. It is noted that 13 homes are in the arrears with the HOA. Three homes have reached out to the BOD and have made payment arrangements. BOD will turn over 10 homes to the HOA new attorney on July 1, 2023 if those 10 homes have not become current by June 30th.
Suggestion: Charge for advertisements on the Community webpage. The Treasurer has reached out to HOA Accountant to verify that this will not change our tax status.
Unfinished Business- Spring Fling was well received by the Community. Special thank you to Lauren Posey and Amanda Howard for organizing this event. Winners of the raffle were posted on Facebook..
New Business - Two additional Committees have been formed: Plant Watering-Robyn Major & Elie Willet, (Seeking two more volunteers) Duties to volunteer one week to water plants at the front entrance once planted in May. We have a large water dispenser. BOD members will contact the neighbor who was holding it at their home. Hospitality - Brandy Thompson, Duties: Coordinate Food Trucks 2x per month.
- Architectural Inspections: The last architectural inspections were conducted in 2021. The next inspections will be conducted in July/2023. Please ensure that your home complies to the CCCA covenants prior to inspections.
Meeting adjourned 8:05pm